Using Essential Oils with Dogs
This is an online class Jennifer Chastain and Robyn Novak did as FaceBook event. We have taken the class and added it here for continuous and easy reference. This class is a bit lengthy but has a lot of really good information for you, when using oils with your dogs!
We hope it helps you on your oily journey!
If you are needing to know how to get your own essential oils, we can help you with that! We ask that you please go back to the Young Living Member who invited you to this class for help with enrollment! But if you don't have someone to help you, please feel free to message us, or scroll to the bottom of this class for an enrollment link.
Let's get started!! :)
We are so glad you are joining us for this class! We can not wait! We have tons of great information to share with you!
Keep in mind: This class will take place online! What does that mean for you? It doesn’t matter where you live, you can join us from the comfort of your own home!
Keep in mind: This class will take place online! What does that mean for you? It doesn’t matter where you live, you can join us from the comfort of your own home!
If you have a question you can simply go to our page and message us, or feel free to comment on the post directly!
Whether you are an oil user yourself, and have lots of tips and tricks to share with us, or a newbie to the whole idea, with lots of questions, we hope you will engage with us on the post!
Whether you are an oil user yourself, and have lots of tips and tricks to share with us, or a newbie to the whole idea, with lots of questions, we hope you will engage with us on the post!
Just as essential oils can benefits humans both physically and psychologically, they can also benefit Man’s Best Friend – our dogs. (Getting a dog may be the only time we get to choose a relative.)
We probably all have different reasons for wishing to support our dogs with health and overall wellness: perhaps you’ve got a moody dog, a fearful pup, maybe storms and fireworks scare them, or you’re dealing with serious behavior or training issues. Possibly you have a rescue dog that you’re acclimating to your home, one that’s just gone through restorative care – maybe your dog has special needs. And there may be some of you that just want to help your dog age gracefully and humanely. We all have one thing in common, we’re all trying to provide the best care possible for our dogs based on their individual needs.
Keep in mind that this class is about using essential oils for dogs! Cats and other animals may have different requirements. Do your research. Please remember that the information contained in this class was not compiled by a medical professional; therefore anything presented is not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent any diseases, or cure your pet regardless of what that pet may be. You are responsible for how you use this information. Please consult a health care professional for medical evaluation and treatment of your animals.
Much of the information we are sharing with you tonight if from a class we recently attended with Nelea Lane. And we thank her for so much of this information!
Here’s a few of the things we will be going over with you in this class.
How to safely use your Young Living oils with your dog, including different techniques and usage ideas.
How to support the Health of your dog with your Young Living oils. Providing you with the oils that support what puppy systems and how to promote well being with in your precious pup.
DIY recipes. Because you need are going to want to make all kinds of oily goodness for them (and probably for you too)
And information on how you can get started using these amazing little bottles!
DIY recipes. Because you need are going to want to make all kinds of oily goodness for them (and probably for you too)
And information on how you can get started using these amazing little bottles!
This is Bruce and he’s a six-year old Labrador Retriever.
Just as certain scents will make us feel calmer or more alert, the same is true for him.
If you go to his house wearing Valor he will try to sit in your lap. If you have on Peppermint, he’ll happily follow you to Oklahoma. If you have on Lavender, he’ll sleep at your feet.
Essential oils affect us deep down, at the cellular level, positively affecting us in many ways. They already want to share the couch, the bed, our beach towels, and have probably claimed all the bathroom rugs – we might as well share oils with them too.
The first place to start is with high-quality essential oils. I only recommend pure, therapeutic-grade oils from Young Living. I won’t use imitation oils on myself and I sure wouldn’t put them on my dog, animal, or family member! Young Living has been here for more than 20 years, they’re the world leader in essential oils, and I trust their Seed to Seal process implicitly. .
Essential oils are absorbed by inhalation, diffusion, or by contact with the skin. They rapidly enter the body and the blood stream and are distributed throughout. As with all compounds, some chemicals may have a biological affinity for specific tissues and body systems. Very small amounts of these substances can have powerful biological effects on the brain and can create a calming sensation. Take for example, Lavender, which can be used when traveling to calm pets or help them rest better.
SAFE USAGE: Do not get essential oils near their eyes (or yours for that matter). If essential oils get in your dogs eyes accidentally, flush with milk or a carrier oil such as V-6 Oil or fractionated Coconut Oil.
Never apply to an animal's muzzle area, inside nostrils, pour or drip in eyes or mouth, or apply to genital areas.
Do not force essential oils onto animals by using a head or muzzle mask.
Do not apply essential oils to your dog neat (undiluted by a carrier oil).
As we start looking at dilution rates and ways to use oils, I need to remind you that we are not veterinarians and have no medical training of any kind. Just mom’s in love with their dogs.
As a reminder, none of what I am about to share with you has been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. You are responsible for how you use this information. Please consult a health care professional for medical evaluation and treatment of your animals.
Back to dilution. There are two ways that you can apply an oil. One is called “neat” which means applied directly to the skin, or coat; the other is diluted. Diluted means you put the essential oil in a carrier oil before applying. This doesn’t dilute the essential oil, but allows it to spread further and with less possible irritation.
Please consult the dilution chart and consider your dog’s weight when applying essential oils.
11 Oils that do just about everything! We are going to break this kit down for you an oil at a time and show you how it can be used. The starter kit is our beginning to a true appreciation for a healthier lifestyle. It has products that have helped us mentally, emotionally, and supported our physical wellness! This same kit that we use for ourselves, are the same oils that are used for our furbabies too! How convenient is that?!!
Copaiba Vitality is described as an essential oil for physical discomfort. This is a great oil to use for both you and your pooch. Its great to also apply over a blend called Panaway, that we'll talk about later. It has one of the most mildest scents, but yet packs an incredible punch.
This oil is great for assisting the body with it’s inflammatory response!
Frankincense is safe and gentle for all animals large or small and may be used in every aspect of wellness care. You’ve all probably read lots of information and research that’s been done on Frankincense. It’s impressive, mind-boggling, and awe-inspiring.
It has wonderful cleansing properties, and is gentle to the mind and spirit.
This is a great grounding and a spiritual oil. It helps create a safe and comforting environment. It’s also great to use in massage after physical exercise.
Lavender is a universal oil! Don’t leave home without it! Your pup would probably love to be massaged around his ears and the back of his neck with this wonderful oil.. This is a great oil to apply on the inside of a collar or halter for calming. Be sure to take this along on hikes, walks, and for other outdoor physical activities to apply to skin as needed.
Jennifer says, “Who can live without Lavender? NOT ME, or my dogs!! One of my guys has skin sensitivity to something that irritates him, and Lavender comes to the rescue!!!! Just a few drops help soothe his red, itchy skin!! Besides that, the smell is amazing! Skin soothing and yummy smell? Win, win!!!”
This is a FAVORITE of the oils in the kit! Peppermint has a multitude of uses. It’s especially wonderful for diffusing while training or when mental alertness is key.
Cool down quickly after fun activities like hiking, competitions, or training by place a drop of Peppermint Vitality in a liter of water for internal cooling.
Peppermint is available as a Vitality™ oil which means it is considered a dietary supplement.
Best oil ever! (Ok, they’re all the best oil ever.) Apply oil to hand, rub hands together, then rub on tummy to wind down or use before and during on a long car ride. Digize Vitality™ provides valuable digestive support.
Panaway is a tremendous blend to use after exercise, workout, or a rigorous competition. For both you AND the dogs. On pets dilute before applying topically. On myself, I like it with a warm compress. (You’ll thank me later for that tip.) Panaway, diluted, may also be applied to vita-flex points on paws. Apply diluted, when necessary, directly to muscles and bones.
Dad cooking bacon in the kitchen always gets the diffuser going with Purification in it. BAM! Odor gone. While bacon cooking, at the time, smells great. Not so much, three hours later.
And when mom, oh this is going to hurt, leaves a poop bag in the back of the closed-up car on the hot day? Purification on a cotton ball takes care of THAT smell too.
I also like to use Purification in a cleansing spray that I make for tissue support anytime that my pups get a booboo!
- Thieves is one of Young Living’s favorite oil blends and has been around for 25 years. It’s beloved to many for all of its uses and benefits. Thieves Vitality is safe for puppies and provides overall immune support. It’s an excellent choice for DIY creams and to take along for field training. We diffuse Thieves every day without fail in our home.
Jennifer says, “If you want to give your dog's immune system a boost, diffuse this bad boy in your home! Thieves is amazing at supporting your immune system, and offers that same kick tail support to your 4 legged family members. I like to add a couple drops of Orange with my Thieves. The smell is amazing! Young Living has an entire line of products based around this one oil blend. I personally have replaced all the cleaning products in my home, including bleach, with the Thieves Household cleaner. The first week I used the new, non toxic cleaner in my home, one of my goofy labs decided it would be fun to drink out of the mop bucket! Had that happened with any other cleaning product, I would have been rushing him to the Vet! But with Thieves Household Cleaner (plant based, non toxic) I wasn't nearly as worried. I kept an eye on him for a little bit, and all was fine. I'm NOT saying to let your dogs drink the mop bucket water, or leave them unsupervised while cleaning. I'm simply saying that when accidents happen, I'm not as alarmed with these wonderful, non toxic products!”
Tell me what causes your dog to feel stressful. Travel? Other dogs or pets? Being separated from you? Going to the vet? Maybe related to performance sports? Fireworks? Thunderstorms? Changes in environment? If you're in rescue work, what types of stress do you see? If you're a dog trainer, how does stress show up?
Do you think that your dogs stress or anxiety level increases when they sense yours? Young Living's Stress Away is a blend of Copaiba, Lime, Cedarwood, Vanilla, Ocotea and Lavender. It's uniqueness increases feelings of comfort and security for our four-legged friends.
I wear Stress Away just like I would a perfume. When you think it could also benefit your pet, try putting it on your wrists and then passing along the back of your pet. You'll both feel more relaxed. Share the love.
Info from Neela on how she used some of these oils: This is my girl Missy. She was about four years old when we got her from the Frisco Animal Shelter. She was every inch the princess in the way she walked, pranced, and tried to escape unchaperoned from the confines of her castle. (That is probably how she made her way to the shelter -- she would bolt out the door and run any chance she got.) She was never much of a snuggler. She liked her pillow and she liked to sleep! While often cranky, she was happy being an only child and I think she was absolutely offended to get an older, bigger, rowdy brother the year she turned 11. She rose to the challenge of raising that puppy with an iron paw though and never did let up on Bruce.
I had just barely started using essential oils by the time Missy died at 17 years old. She had memory issues, had lost her hearing, and was almost completely blind. I think she really struggled with becoming dependent on Bruce. She shadowed him everywhere and if she wasn't where Bruce could see her, he'd go find her. They even took a nap on the SAME BED that last year. But big brother couldn't always be there for Missy and I could tell that her loss of independence was irritating her greatly. One of my best friends, who was a dog trainer, told me about using different scents to help her navigate her life.
Well, I had THAT! A whole box full of "scents." And I knew the ones I had were of high quality. So, lemon became Missy's favorite oil. It became her door to the outside world. We tied a ribbon on the back door and I'd put lemon essential oil on it. She could make her way to that ribbon all by herself when Bruce wasn't around. We put Lavender essential oil on her pillow in the living room and she used that scent to find her place in the living room. We put Peace & Calming in her kennel at night because she actually started getting restless when she couldn't sense Bruce next to her. Those three oils gave her some independence and peace. At the time I hadn't even begun to study and read up on toxic chemicals and fragrances so I thank my lucky stars often that I had Young Living oils for some comfort those last few months.

Another oil in the starter kit that Missy liked in the diffuser and would move towards in her last days was R.C. ™. I think it was very soothing and comforting to her.
The things I know now that I wish I'd known then.
I love the way Gary named these RTG (ready to go oils). This unique line of oils were especially created for pets and are available for individual purchase.You can use these oils on your furry pups as well as on yourself! Let's look at what they do.
Puriclean™, Mendwell™, and Infect Away™ were designed to work well together to support the skin.
• Add 1–2 drops topically.*
• Use an AromaGlide™ Roller Fitment to conveniently apply a generous amount.*
• Put 8–10 drops in a 1-oz. spray bottle with distilled water for a quick skin-cleansing spritz.*
*Carefully apply according to the size and species of animal.
With RepelAroma™—a unique combination of purifying and invigorating Citronella, Idaho Tansy, Palo Santo, and Tea Tree essential oils—your pet will love being outside! (And you too.)
• Apply 2–4 drops to your hands and pet onto your animal’s coat.*
• Add to a 1 oz. spray bottle and spritz generously on your animal’s coat or skin.*
• Diffuse to keep pests away from certain areas in the home or small areas outdoors.
*Carefully apply according to the size and species of animal.
T-Away™ was formulated with a soothing scent for your animal to support a new level of emotional freedom and joyful feelings. I cannot stress enough how important this oil can be for supporting the emotional health of animals when needed.
• Add 1 drop behind each ear to calm your pet*
• Use an AromaGlide Roller Fitment to apply to the bottoms of paws or on the flanks.*
*Carefully apply according to the size and species of animal.
T-Away holds a very special place in my heart. When Missy passed away, Bruce felt lost. I couldn't stop crying. He would sit in the hallway and look for her. He grieved and I was unprepared for how incredibly sad we BOTH were. As bossy as she was, she'd been his companion -- on her terms maybe, but still. This blend came to rescue for both of us. T-Away, a favorite of animal workers, rescue operations, foster families, families living with grieving, fearful or anxious dogs, has been out of stock for some time. Hint ... when it comes back in stock, don't think twice, drop what you're doing and go buy it! Put in it your cart and check out!!
A portion of all proceeds from Animal Scents products goes to support Vital Ground, a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting the habitat of grizzly bears and other wide-roaming wildlife.
GENERAL RULE: Dilute all of these oils more for smaller species.
A good shampoo is a necessity when you live with a water-loving, lake-jumping, creek-wandering, Labrador Retriever. Animal Scents® Shampoo cleans, conditions, and protects your pet’s coat without harmful ingredients. Formulated with five pure essential oils and other natural ingredients, this shampoo is safe and effective for animals. Its formula contains Lavender, Lemon, Geranium, Citronella, Northern Lights Black Spruce, and Vetiver essential oils. Someone smells better already, yes?
This shampoo is HIGHLY concentrated so dilute and rinse well. It makes a tremendous base for adding other essential oils that may benefit the health and wellness of your pup. It's not going to create a whole lot of lather but don't let that fool you when considering its effectiveness. If you are concerned about reducing the toxic chemicals and fragrances your dog is exposed to, this safe and gentle shampoo is a must.
Good oral health for your dog is every bit as important as it is for you! Bruce and I share a lot of oils and supplements, but these are ALL for HIM! They're a treat for him and he loves them. I love that they contain NO artificial colors and NO artificial flavors. Mom approved!
Ingredients in ParaGize™, formulated to support digestive health for dogs, are also found in the Animal Scents Dental Pet Chews. Win-win.
Who has experienced the Raindrop Technique? It uses a combination of essential oils and application techniques to bring balance and harmony to the body. The technique, developed by D. Gary Young in the '80's, is also used successfully with dogs. With dogs, oils are dropped along their spine, then stroked lightly into the fur with a feathering stroke, and followed with the vita flex technique along the nerve pathways up their back.
*Oils used include V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex, Thyme, Basil, Peppermint, Oregano, Wintergreen, Cypress, Marjoram, Valor II™, AromaSieze™,
*Dogs can expect to have the same benefits as humans.
*Supports emotions and well-being
*Eases muscle discomfort before or after vigorous exercise, training or showing
*Use in conjunction with massage to ease muscle discomfort
*Supports a healthy immune system and other systems in the body
*Beneficial to older and active dogs
Seek a trained health-care professional or practitioner to learn how to perform or have this technique performed on your dog.
Jennifer says, “Wow, this little kit right here. Worth its weight in GOLD!!!! I had a LMT (Licensed massage therapist) perform the Raindrop Technique on one of my older dogs. He loved it! He had more pep in his step, and was just more vibrant in the days following his session with her. While he didn't relax during the session, like she said most of the dogs do, he slept like a rock on the 2 hour drive home! He was one mellow pup!!!
Over the last two weeks, I've actually started using this set of oils on one of my dogs. He was diagnosed with some back/hip issues by his Veterinarian. Honestly everyone, it totally blew me away, ruined my day, and bummed me out. I know most of you don't know me, but my dogs are my life, they are part of my family and ARE my 4 legged children. I was devastated with the news from my Vet. But for his sake I picked myself up, dusted myself off, and dove headlong into figuring out what I could do to make the rest of his life a "normal" and comfortable as possible. Before his official diagnosis, I had turned to my Young Living Essential Oils, and they did not let me or my dog down. I began applying the raindrop oils, in the prescribed order, to his paws only (because I didn't know what was going on with his back) and saw progress within 24-48 hours. I told his Vet what I was doing, and she agreed that this should be part of his treatment. So, do NOT be afraid to talk to your Vet about alternative therapies. They are more open minded than you may think. If your vet isn't open to this type of therapy, don't be afraid for a second opinion. I know that I have seen a big improvement in my big boy since I started the Raindrop Technique with him, and I am overjoyed! “
As I grew more confident in using essential oils, I found a lot of different oils that lent themselves to concerns, situations, and opportunity.
Christmas Spirit -- My pups like this in the diffuser every bit as much as they like to sleep next to a diffuser with Thieves in it. Christmas Spirit is a great oil to diffuse when your pup needs a little extra security, such as a pup leaving its family. Enhances learning and is uplifting and energizing when they appear a little lazy.
Citrus Fresh is good for general health and encourages adequate hydration. '
Clarity is helpful in training for a clear mind, focus, mental alertness, and promoting vitality and energy for showing, hunting, competition, obedience training, tracking, agility and working dogs.
Common Sense may help with occasional anxiety and support for training/retraining. Strengthens learning ability.
Neroli is great for calming situational unrest and irritation to emotions, bad dreams, and helps provide restful sleep
Does orange make you happy? The aroma of orange essential oil is uplifting for older, tired, and grieving dogs
Peace and Calming is a great oil to have on hand before an anticipated stressful event or after one.
Valor II is good for confidence and grounding
Four more oils to consider for both you and your dog!
I'd say that Helichrysum needs to be in your go/travel kit at all times. If you're active in pet rescue and never know what you might encounter or what to expect when you are helping to get a dog to a better environment, you'll be glad to have this oil for topical application -- on a dog or yourself.
I like to blend Frankincense and Spruce for emotional animals. It can be useful with fearful pets, behavioral issues, helpful in acclimating and transitioning. Especially useful for many scenarios that present with pet rescue. Remember their world is the only world they know. While we know we are bringing them to a better place of care, love, and nurturing, their world is also their security. Whether good, bad, or awful, they know what to expect and they know nothing of where they're going.
Marjoram works well with overly sensitive and emotional pets. It's comforting and may help soothed nerves. And girl-crazy dogs? Useful to redirect that attention!
NingXia Red® for antioxidants to support the immune system!
Proper nutrition can help your dog not only sustain a healthy life but to also thrive. NingXia Red supports cardiovascular health, eye health, weight maintenance, and healthy blood sugar levels. Bruce and I take this every day! (And I have in the afternoon too with some Zyng.)
OmegaGize for the best benefits over just regular fish oils. OmegaGize supports normal brain, eye, heart, joint health, and a beautiful coat. We tossed that other brand out as soon as I realized the superior advantages of OmegaGize.
Supports normal bones and joint health. It also contains Type II Collagen and MSM that are thought to support healthy cellular function and encourage joint health and fluid movement. It also contains Glucosamine Sulfate which benefits the body by aiding in the formulation of cartilage.
WHO KNEW? When Bruce was moving around less and exercising less my curiosity led me to this supplement because of its ingredients and benefits. Young Living's has MSM and the NingXia Wolfberry fruit. Sulfurzyme supports a healthy immune system plus a host of other things. (Put this on your homework list.)
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Young Living products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
You must enroll in Young Living’s Essential Rewards program to earn some of the free products and POINTS to spend on Quick Orders. Your collected points can be saved up for Quick Orders to shop and pay for products with your accrued points. You are eligible to earn 10% of your PV purchases. (After three months, you earn 20% back and 25% after 25 months in the program.) You can spend your points immediately once awarded or save them up. Not only that, each month has at least three tiers of FREE products you can earn based upon your spending habits.
The Essential Rewards program is an integral component for my being able to afford the oils and supplements that Bruce, myself, and my family uses. NingXia Red® and Thieves® products: You will find that just $50 a month will build you an extensive oil collection quicker than you think.
The next four slides feature easy recipes that you can keep around the house, make for gifts, or have fun making at Do-It Yourself (DIY) classes.
While Young Living's Animal Scents® Shampoo is my favorite, sometimes in a pinch one might need an alternate choice. This dry shampoo is miraculous. I put in a fine shaker style bottle for ease of use
Clean ears are important for your pups! This is a great solution to use with a Q-tip. Not in the ear, but around the ears. Please note: Never put oils directly in yours, or your animals ears!!
Company’s coming cologne. Because if your pups live like mine do, this is really their house. So why not have them smell amazing when you have people come to visit their place.
This is a great one for helping your dog avoid certain “hitch-hickers” on their day trips!
What we’ve shared with you in this class is born of passion and commitment to the well-being of pups AND their peoples. We'd love for you to experience the same. The most advantageous membership with Young Living comes with a Premium Starter Kit for $160. The premium starter kit includes your membership, 24% off member discount on all retails prices and a coveted diffuser along with:
• Lavender 5-ml
• Peppermint Vitality™ 5-ml
• Lemon Vitality™ 5-ml
• Copaiba Vitality™ 5-ml
• Frankincense 5-ml
• Thieves® Vitality™ 5-ml
• Purification® 5-ml
• R.C.™ 5-ml
• DiGize™ Vitality™ 5-ml
• PanAway® 5-ml
• Stress Away™ 5-ml
• AromaGlide™ Roller Fitment
• 10 Sample Packets
• 10 Love It & Share It! Sample Business Cards
• 10 Love It & Share It! Sample Oil Bottles
• 2 NingXia Red® 60ml ea samples
• Product Guide and Product Price List
• Policies and Procedures
• Application and Agreement form
• Standard order form
• Essential Rewards order form
To get started, contact the person who cared enough to invite you to this class!
Or if you don't have a YL Member helping you, you can enroll here:
You can order ANY of the products you read about with a retail membership but will not receive the 24% off member discount.
Thank you for joining us for this class. It will remain available for you to revisit. As we go, we'd like to offer you a gentle reminder and few more thoughts about using essential oils safely with your pup.
Remember that the same oils on yourself you can use with your dog with proper research. Size matters so use proper dilution. Dogs are much more sensitive to smell than we are. Always introduce oils slowly. When diffusing, make sure your dog can leave the room freely should they choose. Consider usage for them as you would babies and children.
We leave you with a list of hot oils that you should use carefully around your pets and should most ALWAYS be diluted if used on them.
* Cassia
* Cinnamon Bark
* Clove
* Hyssop
* Lemongrass
* Ocotea
* Oregano
* Thyme
Should contact with these oils bother your pet, apply or flush with a carrier oil immediately. If you've handled any of these oils, thoroughly clean your hands before touching your dog near their eyes, face, ears, or sensitive places on the body.
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