Welcome to Young Living with Rhonda

 Are you interested in using Young Living Essential Oils 
and want to know how to get started?! 

Are you looking for more information on Young Living Essential Oils? You have come to the right place!
If you are new to the idea of Essential Oils, and really just don't know where to start, I invite you to check out a few different web sites.

Our Team Website is www.getoiling.com/oilyvisions

The first step in understanding essential oils, is knowing where they come from! I highly recommend you check out Young Living's Seed to Seal process, which is imperative to understanding exactly what sets Young Living above the rest, why I trust their products, and what makes them highly therapeutic grade essential oils!

I also recommend attending a Young Living Essential Oils Basic 101 Class! While a live class is recommended, I have set up a class online that you can check out anytime you like! This online class will help get you started on your oily journey, teach you how essential oils can be used, as well as provide you some safety information, and give you few tips and tricks to help you get started!  If you have questions after going over this online class, just let me know! www.tinyurl.com/eobasic101

I highly recommend you follow our Team Facebook page as well! We post information about oils, as well as upcoming classes we may be teaching, and even specials that Young Living may be offering for the month! www.facebook.com/oilyvisions

If you are looking for certain Young Living Products, or if you are curious what all we have to offer you, you can check our our Product Guide online HERE

Setting up your Membership Account: 
When ordering your Premium Starter Kit, it will give you two options. It will ask if you want a Retail account or a Membership Account. You want to select Membership.  Becoming a Member does not mean you have to sell the oils. Think of this more as a you would a Sam's or Costco Membership. This means you are able to purchase the oils at wholesale cost, (which means receiving a great discount!) and are eligible to earn Essential Rewards points if you choose, which can later be reclaimed for free oils! 

Now, when you sign up as a Member, Young Living will require a Social Security number or Tax ID number. This is simply so that if you ever qualify for any Bonuses, Young Living can send you a bonus check! (And of course the IRS requires that they collect that information!)
By signing up as a Member you always have the option to start building your own team at any time you like, or even never if you prefer! It's the option that gives you the best flexibility, and saves you money!
(Let me know if you want to look at the business opportunity that Young Living offers, even if you just want to know how to get your Starter Kit, and any other oils for free! )

Are you ready to start your journey with Essential Oils, and receive your Essential Oils Premium Starter Kit?   click---> HERE!

If you have any questions please let me know! There are so many options and oils that Young Living has to offer you, some times it can be overwhelming, but I am here to help you!


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