Ningxia RED and Your Health
is saying that you should eat a diet high in antioxidants. I have a pro
tip that will make getting your antioxidants the easiest thing you do
Join me for a class all about NingXia Red. I'm going to break this superfood down and give you tips and recipes on how you and the kids in your life can take their NingXia Red.
Have you ever heard of superfoods!? They are all the rage and we are doing a deep dive into one of my favorite superfoods in this class.
In the beginning of my Young Living journey I didn't think I could afford Ningxia Red. I went to a YL convention in 2015 and was given Ningxia daily! After getting home and not having it for a few days, I soon discovered that I couldn't afford to NOT have Ningxia in my life! This antioxidant rich drink has boosted my family's wellness bar to help us make it through Winters and beyond with health!

Let’s have some fun! There is a place in the world where there are 400% more people who are 100+ years of age and living without canes to get around or glasses to help them see, and who are overall very healthy. Do you have any guesses as to where this place is in the world?

#1 Welcome!
Thank you so much for being here!
Earlier, I mentioned that there was a place where 400% more people of age 100+ y/o live without canes to get around or glasses to help them see, and where they are overall very healthy. I had you guess where that might be!
That place is called NingXia, China where the superfood NingXia wolfberries originate. The locals have been eating these berries for thousands of years and we are lucky enough to get to use them in our NingXia Red products due to the amazing relationship Gary Young built with the people there.
Throughout the class, I will share some information about these berries and NingXia products that will showcase why they need to be a staple in your daily diet.
*I am not a doctor. I am not here to diagnose, treat, or cure any of your illnesses. The content I cover is for informational purposes only.
Here is how this class will work. Refresh your screen every four minutes so you can see the new post! I will number them so you can see them in order as you follow along or want to look back.
If you would like to use this script to share this information with others, you will need to purchase the class through GROworkspace, which provides amazing resources to make sharing EASY and to save you time. Sharing this content without access to the content in your personal "workspace" is subject to copyright infringement.
#2 Quality matters
Many companies don't build from scratch. They purchase products and then turn those products into their own products.
Young Living is very different in that they monitor the process in their plant-based products from seed all the way to seal.
The company abides by very strict guidelines to fulfill this seed to seal promise to us.
This seed to seal promise is very important because it ensures the top-notch quality and effectiveness of each product.
By YL owning their own farms or requiring their sister/partner farms to abide by their strict guidelines of...

#3 NingXia Red - Make it breakfast
Take your NingXia Red for breakfast!
NingXia Red is 25% NingXia Wolfberry puree. The puree includes the juice, pulp, and peel of the plant, which contain vitamins and minerals such as Vit C, Vit A, calcium, potassium, zinc, selenium, riboflavin (B2) and more. A puree allows you to also get fiber and protein. You need all of these things to maintain health.
A smoothie is a great way to start your morning. It's fast, it's an on-the-go type of meal, and it tastes good!
Here are two ways to make sure your breakfast smoothie is complete.
Try these smoothies!
Banana-Berry Protein Smoothie
What does your breakfast usually look like?

Post #4: NingXia Red - Take it quickly
No time to mix up a smoothie? No prob. NingXia Red tastes so good you can drink it straight up as a shot!
If you have an individual packet, you can grab-and-go. If you have a bottle, pour yourself a shot or a double and take 'er down.
In addition to the beneficial vitamins and minerals mentioned before, NingXia wolfberry contains a ton of amino acids including essential amino acids L-arginine and L-glutamine. The combo of these two offers many health benefits. A quick google search and you can see for yourself! Sure you can eat some shiitake mushrooms* to get your L-arginine, but wouldn't you rather take a shot of NingXia Red with a yummy berry taste?
*NingXia Red has more L-arginine than shiitake mushrooms!
PRO TIP: Add a drop of your favorite oils from the Vitality line. I highly recommend Thieves Vitality, Copaiba Vitality, Orange Vitality and Frankincense Vitality on the regular!
Try these infused shots:
>> IMMUNITY: 1 oz. NingXia Red + 1 drop Thieves Vitality, 1 drop Copaiba Vitality
>> ENERGY: 1 oz. NingXia Red + 1 drop Peppermint Vitality, 1 drop Orange Vitality
>> WEIGHTLESS: 1 oz. NingXia Red + 1 drop Grapefruit Vitality
What are some of your favorite flavors when it comes to food and beverage?
NingXia lovers: Share what oils you add to your NR shots.

#5 NingXia Red - Make it a NingXia Bomb
Take your NingXia Red after lunch.
If you ever feel that post-lunch slump, you can mix up this NingXia Bomb that will give you a ton of energy for the rest of the day.
NingXia Bomb Recipe:
NingXia NITRO is 20 ml of healthy natural ingredients that support your health and keep you focused. With naturally occurring caffeine, it will help you stay energized.
NingXia Zyng is a light sparkling beverage with only 35 calories and 35 mg of naturally occurring caffeine.
You can always enjoy these individually. Together they take it up a notch.
Fun Fact: The NingXia Wolfberry is also a complex carbohydrate, which means your blood sugar will rise slowly, reducing the risk of a sugar crash afterward. This is one reason why this energy drink is a much better alternative than conventional gas station energy drinks that are filled with sugar and catapult you into a sugar high and post-sugar crash.
Share a time when you often need a huge boost of energy.

Post #6: NingXia Red - Make it fancy
NingXia Red is packed with superfoods to support normal eye health and your immune system. It contains plum, aronia, cherry, blueberry, and pomegranate juices and extracts, plus Lemon, Orange, Yuzu, and Tangerine essential oils. These ingredients make NingXia Red a guilt-free fun drink.
How awesome is it that you can support your health while you drink a fun mocktail?
Berry Mimosa mocktail
NingXia Red Sangria
What is your favorite Mocktail? How would you modify it to add NingXia Red?

Post #7: NingXia Red - Make it dessert
Let's talk briefly about antioxidants and THEN I'll get to dessert!
Having an antioxidant-rich diet is REALLY good for your health. Sure you can eat a bunch of fruits and veggies high in antioxidants but sometimes it's hard to get the quantity you really need into your diet or it's a struggle to get the kids to eat what they need.
NingXia Red is insanely high in antioxidants. NingXia wolfberries are one of the fruits highest on the ORAC scale. The ORAC scale measures antioxidant levels. For more information about the ORAC scale, google it. Just a few ounces a day of NingXia Red will give your body the antioxidants it needs. The best part is that kids beg for this stuff!
It's healthy enough for mom & tastes good enough for the kids.
The easiest way to make a popsicle is to toss a NingXia Red packet into the freezer, remove the packet once frozen, cut the top off and eat it like a push-pop.
Another easy option is to take your favorite smoothie recipe, add your NingXia Red, and pour it into popsicle molds.
These are fun activities to do with kids and they really enjoy this healthy dessert.
NingXia Red popsicle recipe
I love dropping a few unblended berries into each mold to add some fun fruit texture to the popsicles.

#8 Become a Member
Young Living has a NingXia Red Premium Starter Kit (NR PSK).
That means you can create a membership, get all the membership perks, and be fully stocked on NingXia Red for a few months.
You want a membership because it will allow you to order all Young Living products at least 24% cheaper than a retail customer.
As a member, you also get special access to Essential Rewards and discounted ER kits. I highly recommend checking the Essential Rewards box and having your NR PSK be your first Essential Rewards order so you can get the FREE BONUS oil and $10 back in ER points.
You only get to put in one Essential Rewards order a month of at least 50 PV. On your ER orders, you will get 10% back in ER points in months 1-3, 20% back in months 4-24, and 25% back in months 25+
Since your PSK is 100 PV you will get 10% back on this first order. (10 ER points = $10 to use on products)
Each month after that, you can start replacing your home products, trying new essential oils, or restocking on NingXia Red or supplements.
You can also get the YL GO+, which is like Amazon prime but better, and you can get FREE products when you order 100PV, 190 PV, 250PV, & 300PV.
The NingXia Red Starter kit is $170 (100 PV) and comes with the following products.
or you can check out my website at
If you were invited to this class by someone else, reach out to them to get their link so you can order!
I can't wait to hear how this superfood drink is making you feel!

#9 Already a member?
I highly recommend ordering the NingXia Red Essential Rewards kit. It comes with four bottles of NingXia Red and 30 2 oz. packets of NingXia Red. You will save about $38 when you purchase it this way!
If you want FREE SHIPPING you can join the YL GO or YL GO+ free shipping subscription.
YL GO will include 12 months of shipping to cover your ER orders.
YL GO+ covers 12 ER orders and 24 Quick orders. Remember I said that you can only place ONE ER order a month to get all those bonus points. When you want to order again before the next month, you can place a quick order. The YL GO+ subscription will give you 24 extra quick orders with FREE shipping. This comes in really handy when you run out of something, need to order a last minute gift, or want to take advantage of a pop-up sale.
You also get 2-4 day shipping AND if you need to overnight something, it's only $10. It has saved my booty many times already!
Raise your hand if you LOVE free shipping!

Thank you so much for taking the time to go through this class and for investing the time to learn more about how to find wellness and take care of yourself. You DESERVE health and wellness and I want to see you achieve it.
I am really excited to support you on your health journey.

Join me for a class all about NingXia Red. I'm going to break this superfood down and give you tips and recipes on how you and the kids in your life can take their NingXia Red.

Have you ever heard of superfoods!? They are all the rage and we are doing a deep dive into one of my favorite superfoods in this class.
In the beginning of my Young Living journey I didn't think I could afford Ningxia Red. I went to a YL convention in 2015 and was given Ningxia daily! After getting home and not having it for a few days, I soon discovered that I couldn't afford to NOT have Ningxia in my life! This antioxidant rich drink has boosted my family's wellness bar to help us make it through Winters and beyond with health!

Let’s have some fun! There is a place in the world where there are 400% more people who are 100+ years of age and living without canes to get around or glasses to help them see, and who are overall very healthy. Do you have any guesses as to where this place is in the world?

#1 Welcome!
Thank you so much for being here!
Earlier, I mentioned that there was a place where 400% more people of age 100+ y/o live without canes to get around or glasses to help them see, and where they are overall very healthy. I had you guess where that might be!
That place is called NingXia, China where the superfood NingXia wolfberries originate. The locals have been eating these berries for thousands of years and we are lucky enough to get to use them in our NingXia Red products due to the amazing relationship Gary Young built with the people there.
Throughout the class, I will share some information about these berries and NingXia products that will showcase why they need to be a staple in your daily diet.
*I am not a doctor. I am not here to diagnose, treat, or cure any of your illnesses. The content I cover is for informational purposes only.
Here is how this class will work. Refresh your screen every four minutes so you can see the new post! I will number them so you can see them in order as you follow along or want to look back.
If you would like to use this script to share this information with others, you will need to purchase the class through GROworkspace, which provides amazing resources to make sharing EASY and to save you time. Sharing this content without access to the content in your personal "workspace" is subject to copyright infringement.

#2 Quality matters
Many companies don't build from scratch. They purchase products and then turn those products into their own products.
Young Living is very different in that they monitor the process in their plant-based products from seed all the way to seal.
The company abides by very strict guidelines to fulfill this seed to seal promise to us.
This seed to seal promise is very important because it ensures the top-notch quality and effectiveness of each product.
By YL owning their own farms or requiring their sister/partner farms to abide by their strict guidelines of...
- starting with the best seeds
- using no harmful chemicals
- hand weeding
- harvesting at peak times
- distilling on site
- and testing minimally three times before sending products off to us

#3 NingXia Red - Make it breakfast
Take your NingXia Red for breakfast!
NingXia Red is 25% NingXia Wolfberry puree. The puree includes the juice, pulp, and peel of the plant, which contain vitamins and minerals such as Vit C, Vit A, calcium, potassium, zinc, selenium, riboflavin (B2) and more. A puree allows you to also get fiber and protein. You need all of these things to maintain health.
A smoothie is a great way to start your morning. It's fast, it's an on-the-go type of meal, and it tastes good!
Here are two ways to make sure your breakfast smoothie is complete.
- Add an ounce or two of NingXia Red.
- Add two scoops of Young Living's Protein Complete powder to make it a complete meal with 25 g of protein!
Try these smoothies!
Banana-Berry Protein Smoothie
- 1/2 banana
- 1/2 cup of frozen berries
- 1/2 cup spinach
- 1 scoop Vanilla Protein complete
- 2 oz. NingXia Red
- 3 oz. Orange Juice
- 1 cup mixed frozen berries
- 1/2 frozen banana
- 2 T almond butter
- 1/2 T ground cinnamon
- 8 oz. unsweetened almond milk
- 1 oz. NingXia Red juice
- 2 oz NingXia Red
- 1/2 cup Almond Milk
- 1 cup spinach
- 1/2 banana (peeled)
- 1 mandarin orange (peeled)
- 1/4 cup of ice
- 2 tablespoons plain or greek yogurt (optional)
What does your breakfast usually look like?

Post #4: NingXia Red - Take it quickly
No time to mix up a smoothie? No prob. NingXia Red tastes so good you can drink it straight up as a shot!
If you have an individual packet, you can grab-and-go. If you have a bottle, pour yourself a shot or a double and take 'er down.
In addition to the beneficial vitamins and minerals mentioned before, NingXia wolfberry contains a ton of amino acids including essential amino acids L-arginine and L-glutamine. The combo of these two offers many health benefits. A quick google search and you can see for yourself! Sure you can eat some shiitake mushrooms* to get your L-arginine, but wouldn't you rather take a shot of NingXia Red with a yummy berry taste?
*NingXia Red has more L-arginine than shiitake mushrooms!
PRO TIP: Add a drop of your favorite oils from the Vitality line. I highly recommend Thieves Vitality, Copaiba Vitality, Orange Vitality and Frankincense Vitality on the regular!
Try these infused shots:
>> IMMUNITY: 1 oz. NingXia Red + 1 drop Thieves Vitality, 1 drop Copaiba Vitality
>> ENERGY: 1 oz. NingXia Red + 1 drop Peppermint Vitality, 1 drop Orange Vitality
>> WEIGHTLESS: 1 oz. NingXia Red + 1 drop Grapefruit Vitality
What are some of your favorite flavors when it comes to food and beverage?
NingXia lovers: Share what oils you add to your NR shots.

#5 NingXia Red - Make it a NingXia Bomb
Take your NingXia Red after lunch.
If you ever feel that post-lunch slump, you can mix up this NingXia Bomb that will give you a ton of energy for the rest of the day.
NingXia Bomb Recipe:
- 1 can of NingXia Zyng
- 1 packet of NingXia NITRO
- 1-2 oz. NingXia Red
NingXia NITRO is 20 ml of healthy natural ingredients that support your health and keep you focused. With naturally occurring caffeine, it will help you stay energized.
NingXia Zyng is a light sparkling beverage with only 35 calories and 35 mg of naturally occurring caffeine.
You can always enjoy these individually. Together they take it up a notch.
Fun Fact: The NingXia Wolfberry is also a complex carbohydrate, which means your blood sugar will rise slowly, reducing the risk of a sugar crash afterward. This is one reason why this energy drink is a much better alternative than conventional gas station energy drinks that are filled with sugar and catapult you into a sugar high and post-sugar crash.
Share a time when you often need a huge boost of energy.

Post #6: NingXia Red - Make it fancy
NingXia Red is packed with superfoods to support normal eye health and your immune system. It contains plum, aronia, cherry, blueberry, and pomegranate juices and extracts, plus Lemon, Orange, Yuzu, and Tangerine essential oils. These ingredients make NingXia Red a guilt-free fun drink.
How awesome is it that you can support your health while you drink a fun mocktail?
Berry Mimosa mocktail
- Mix 1 oz. NingXia Red
- 1 oz. sparkling water
- Top off your champagne glass with Orange Juice.
- Muddle a few berries in the bottom of a champagne glass
- Add sparkling water and 2 oz. of NingXia Red
NingXia Red Sangria
- Equal parts red wine and NingXia Red
- Top with sparkling water and your favorite fruit
What is your favorite Mocktail? How would you modify it to add NingXia Red?

Post #7: NingXia Red - Make it dessert
Let's talk briefly about antioxidants and THEN I'll get to dessert!
Having an antioxidant-rich diet is REALLY good for your health. Sure you can eat a bunch of fruits and veggies high in antioxidants but sometimes it's hard to get the quantity you really need into your diet or it's a struggle to get the kids to eat what they need.
NingXia Red is insanely high in antioxidants. NingXia wolfberries are one of the fruits highest on the ORAC scale. The ORAC scale measures antioxidant levels. For more information about the ORAC scale, google it. Just a few ounces a day of NingXia Red will give your body the antioxidants it needs. The best part is that kids beg for this stuff!
It's healthy enough for mom & tastes good enough for the kids.
The easiest way to make a popsicle is to toss a NingXia Red packet into the freezer, remove the packet once frozen, cut the top off and eat it like a push-pop.
Another easy option is to take your favorite smoothie recipe, add your NingXia Red, and pour it into popsicle molds.
These are fun activities to do with kids and they really enjoy this healthy dessert.
NingXia Red popsicle recipe
- 1/2 banana
- 1/2 apple
- 1/2 cups frozen berries
- 1/2 cup spinach or another vegetable (optional)
- 6 oz of NingXia Red (Or 4 oz. NR and 2 oz. orange juice)
I love dropping a few unblended berries into each mold to add some fun fruit texture to the popsicles.

#8 Become a Member
Young Living has a NingXia Red Premium Starter Kit (NR PSK).
That means you can create a membership, get all the membership perks, and be fully stocked on NingXia Red for a few months.
You want a membership because it will allow you to order all Young Living products at least 24% cheaper than a retail customer.
As a member, you also get special access to Essential Rewards and discounted ER kits. I highly recommend checking the Essential Rewards box and having your NR PSK be your first Essential Rewards order so you can get the FREE BONUS oil and $10 back in ER points.
You only get to put in one Essential Rewards order a month of at least 50 PV. On your ER orders, you will get 10% back in ER points in months 1-3, 20% back in months 4-24, and 25% back in months 25+
Since your PSK is 100 PV you will get 10% back on this first order. (10 ER points = $10 to use on products)
Each month after that, you can start replacing your home products, trying new essential oils, or restocking on NingXia Red or supplements.
You can also get the YL GO+, which is like Amazon prime but better, and you can get FREE products when you order 100PV, 190 PV, 250PV, & 300PV.
The NingXia Red Starter kit is $170 (100 PV) and comes with the following products.
- Membership included
- NingXia Red 2-pack
- 30 NingXia Red Singles (2 fl. oz. ea.)
- NingXia Nitro
- Stress Away™ 5-ml
- AromaGlide™ Roller Fitment
- Thieves Household Cleaner 1-oz. sample
- 10 Love It? Share It! Sample Business Cards
- 10 Love It? Share It! Sample Oil Bottles
- 2 NingXia Red 2-oz. samples
- Product Guide and Product Price List
- Essential Oil Magazine
- Essential Edge
- Member Resources
or you can check out my website at
If you were invited to this class by someone else, reach out to them to get their link so you can order!
I can't wait to hear how this superfood drink is making you feel!

#9 Already a member?
I highly recommend ordering the NingXia Red Essential Rewards kit. It comes with four bottles of NingXia Red and 30 2 oz. packets of NingXia Red. You will save about $38 when you purchase it this way!
If you want FREE SHIPPING you can join the YL GO or YL GO+ free shipping subscription.
YL GO will include 12 months of shipping to cover your ER orders.
YL GO+ covers 12 ER orders and 24 Quick orders. Remember I said that you can only place ONE ER order a month to get all those bonus points. When you want to order again before the next month, you can place a quick order. The YL GO+ subscription will give you 24 extra quick orders with FREE shipping. This comes in really handy when you run out of something, need to order a last minute gift, or want to take advantage of a pop-up sale.
You also get 2-4 day shipping AND if you need to overnight something, it's only $10. It has saved my booty many times already!
Raise your hand if you LOVE free shipping!

Thank you so much for taking the time to go through this class and for investing the time to learn more about how to find wellness and take care of yourself. You DESERVE health and wellness and I want to see you achieve it.
I am really excited to support you on your health journey.

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