All about ER (Essential Rewards)
#1. Welcome
Welcome to #ClubER: The YL Lifestyle!
So many of us here LOVE our oils and have found so much value in them! They’re just part of our healthy lifestyle. Tonight we’re going to be going over how YOU can #JoinTheClub to make them part of your life, too!

#2. Here’s how this works
This was a Class we did on FB! We took the content and added it here for you to check out any time you like!

#3. So what is the Young Living Lifestyle?
The BEST thing about Young Living is that it offers every single one of us help and encouragement on our health journeys. And we are ALL on a health journey, whether we know it or not. Some of us are just getting started and trying to figure out where to go next, and some of us have been working on our wellness for a while.
Wherever you fall on this scale, Young Living can support YOU!
Young Living is about wellness, purpose, and abundance in ALL areas of your life! We’re about inspiring as many people as possible to begin THEIR own health journey as well. We can do so many great things with these bodies of ours when they are functioning properly, and YOU were created for FUNCTION! YL gives us the tools we need to help our bodies do just that. It’s just up to us to use them!
For many of you, getting started with the Premium Starter Kit was a HUGE step! An AWESOME and huge step! I know it certainly was for me.
But it is just the beginning! There is so much more to YL than JUST the starter kit.

#4. So how do you take advantage of the YL Lifestyle without breaking the bank? Two words: Essential Rewards.
Let’s first talk about what Essential Rewards is!
Essential Rewards is your monthly wellness subscription box! Each month, you customize a box of wellness goodies according to what YOU want. It’s even better than those other monthly subscription boxes because it is customizable. You can now use your Premium Starter Kit (PSK) as your very first ER order!
*Who here took advantage and used their PSK as their very first ER order! What was the free gift you received from YL with your order?
*Who already has a wish list going for their next products?

#5. Now you might be asking, how is this going to SAVE me money and why the heck would I want to #JoinTheClub?
Let me break it down!
First, you receive free points. When you’re on the ER program, you’ll get points BACK on all of your rewards purchases.
Month 1-3 receive 10% back in ER points.
Month 4-24 receive 20% back in ER points.
Month 25+ receive 25% back in ER points.
% value is calculated from the PV total. 20% on a 100 PV order = $20 back in ER points.
Your ER order is a gift in and of itself. Then you get to use your rewards point to give yourself another gift, and another, and another... and aren't the best gifts the ones you pick out yourself?? :-) After you have been on ER for two consecutive months you are able to cash in your points to redeem free goodies in your third month!
Oh, and before we go on to #2, I also want to mention that you get cheaper shipping and access to FREE shipping subscriptions called YL Go and YL Go+ to help you save even more money. It is like Amazon Prime but better!
Note: YL Go and YLGo+ are only available in the US markets.

#6. The SECOND reason to join ER is because YL is going to send you loyalty gifts* every 3 months for the first year then once a year thereafter.
At 3 months, you’ll be gifted a 5 ml bottle of Peppermint Vitality oil!
At 6 months, you get a free 5 ml bottle of Thieves Vitality!
At 9 months, you get the amazing 15 ml Tea Tree!!
And at 12 months, you’ll get an exclusive, 5 ml Loyalty Blend specially formulated by Gary Young!
Every year after that, you will receive a new loyalty blend created just for ER members.
Check out this awesome video that Gary Young put together about the care that goes into the first year's special loyalty blend!
*Loyalty gifts may change based on supply.

#7. The THIRD reason to be on Essential Rewards is that when you’re on ER, you have access to EXCLUSIVE kits that are only available on ER.
Let’s dive into those kits a bit because they are the BOMB and SO much product for your money.
When you’re on ER, you can get the Everyday Oils, Thieves, and NingXia Red Essential Rewards kit at an even bigger discount!!
We drink NR EVERY. DAY. So this is the best way to order it. We also can't get enough Thieves.
Save $30 with the Everyday Oils Essential Rewards kit. Kit includes:
1 - 5 ml Frankincense
1 - 5 ml Lemon Vitality™
1 - 5 ml Lavender
1 - 5 ml Melaleuca Alternifolia
1 - 5 ml Peppermint Vitality™
1 - 5 ml Joy™
1 - 5 ml Purification®
1 - 5 ml PanAway®
1 - 5 ml Thieves® Vitality™
1 - 5 ml Stress Away™
1 - 10 pack of AromaGlideTM Roller Fitments
This ER kit is only $133!
Save $38 with the Thieves Essential Rewards kit. Kit includes:
-15 ml Thieves essential oil blend
- Thieves aromabright toothpaste (Which we also use as deodorant)
-TWO bottles of Thieves household cleaner
-Thieves mouthwash
-2 bottles Thieves foaming hand soap
-2 bottles Thieves waterless hand purifier
-2 bottles Thieves spray
You can get that whole kit for $118.50! Steal of a deal!
Save $30.75 with the NingXia Red Essential Rewards kit. Kit includes:
-A 4-pack of 750 ml bottles of NingXia Red
-1 box of 2 oz NingXia Red singles packets (30 count)
All for $187.00!
These discounted kits are ONLY available when purchasing through ER.
***Tell us which kit you want to try first.

#8. Now you want to know, what’s the monthly requirement, right?
The monthly minimum requirement is 50 PV, or about $50. The majority of the consumable items are the same number of PV points as the dollar amount, but not all. Some non-consumable items like diffusers have fewer PV points, but you can still buy them on ER. The point is, pay attention to how many PV points are in your cart not the dollar total amount of your order. You need 50 PV.
Now listen, 50 PV is NOTHIN! This is $50 that you would *probably (*by probably I mean most definitely) be spending somewhere else like the grocery store or Target on things like cleaning products, vitamins, shampoo/conditioner, toothpaste, laundry detergent, and more. You have to buy those things anyway! Why not buy them from Young Living where you KNOW the products are safe and free of harmful chemicals?
We call this transfer buying. You’re transferring your dollars from the grocery store to Young Living. You're getting up to 25% back in points while buying from YL and supporting a bunch of families and their small businesses in the process! Target only gives me 5% back when I use their card. So now I use my airline miles credit card to order from YL. I personally get miles from my cc company AND points back from YL when I order.
#WINNING #FreeFlightToConvention

#9. How do I order on ER?
All you have to do to enroll in ER is to log into your virtual office and click on “Essential Rewards” on the left-hand side of your screen. From there, the website will walk you through how to enroll. You can also call Customer Service at 1-800-371-3515 and they’ll set it up for you. Your third option is to hop on the live chat through the website and do it that way!
YOU will pick your order date! So maybe you know you get paid on the 15th of every month, so you want to schedule your date for the 16th! You have the option of changing your date each month. Want to order earlier than the 16th? No problem. It’s flexible, just change your shipping date!
Then, load up your ER cart with whatever you want that month. Each month, you have until midnight of your order processing date to customize your box of wellness goodies!
**Are you getting excited to receive your customized wellness box!?

#10. What is PV assistant?
While you’re logged into your Virtual Office, get your PV assistant set up! PV assistant is basically a backup cart in the event that an item goes out of stock and your monthly ER order drops below 50 PV. If your order processes below 50 PV for the month, you will start back at month 1, earning 10% back.
You can set your PV assistant up to keep your order above whatever number you choose (at 50 PV or above).
I recommend setting your PV assistant minimum amount to at least 100 PV for a few reasons.
1) So you get your FREE gift from YL for ordering 100 PV.
2) When you commit to 100 PV you are supporting your health even more.
3) 100 PV on ER ensures you receive every single penny from bonuses and commissions when you have members underneath you ordering.
Also, YL will select the items that appear FIRST on your list. So I recommend choosing less expensive items first to list on the PV Assistant! YL has MANY items under $15!
PV Assistant will SAVE YO BOOTY if something goes out of stock at the last minute. It’s a lifesaver! Use it. Love it!
Here is a video from GROworkspace to help you set up your own PV Assistant.
**What do you set your PV assistant to?

#11. How do I redeem my points?
Rewards points can not be redeemed through an ER order. You will have to place a Quick Order to cash in your points.
When you go to check out, there will be an option to redeem your ER points! You can use your points on products that have a PV amount that is equal to the dollar value of the product (again, PV points usually equal the dollar amount, but not always).
One awesome thing is that you can split payment! You need to have enough points to cover a product but you can use points to pay for some of your products and put the rest on a credit card or use PayPal.
If you have a US account and have invested in YL Go+ you will get FREE 2-4 day shipping on these quick orders! You can upgrade your YL Go to YL Go+ at any time.
BIZ TIP: For those of you pursuing a YL business, you should not order products you use for your business with ER points. If you do that, you can not write them off as a business expense. Instead, use your ER points to order things like your monthly NingXia Red, or supplements.
New Members
**What do you want to save up points to be able to get?
Seasoned ER members
**Are you a #pointhoarder or a #pointspender? What do you buy with your points?

#12. Do I have to sign my life away?
Great question! No! You do NOT have to sign your life away to join the ER program.
In fact, you can cancel ANYTIME with NO penalty whatsoever. I don’t know about you, but I was SUPER relieved when I found this out. The last thing I wanted was to feel like I was locked into something.
If you want to (although I can’t think of a single reason you would want to) cancel, all you have to do is give Customer Service a ring or jump on the live chat and you can cancel. You’re NOT STUCK at all.
If you’re going to be ordering ANYTHING at all from YL, I recommend that you do it on ER and at least get the points! Why not? If you decide it’s not for you, feel free to cancel, but I think you’re gonna love it!
*Who is getting excited to try out ER?

#13. And IF all of that wasn’t enough, YL has one more amazing things for us every single month.
Every. Single. Month. Young Living offers us different promotions and they are always AMAZING! They usually have a theme or correspond to the season, but they ALWAYS add HUGE extra value to our order.
There are now FOUR different tiers at which you can qualify for these awesome extra promotional freebies: 100 PV, 190 PV, 250 PV and 300 PV. And as you can guess, each tier gets you even more freebies!
You can always find our freebies in our teams private group! (But you have to be a team member to see that page ;) )
You can find the monthly promotions under "member resources" in your Virtual Office.
**Which one of these freebies do you want to try?
#14. If you decide to go the 50 PV route, which is TOTALLY AWESOME, you can definitely build your wellness arsenal 50 PVs and one month at a time! Here are a few examples of what 50 PVs a month look like!
*What category are you most surprised but excited to know Young Living carries?
Baby Line
Home care
Mens care

If you don't have a Young Living Account yet, don't worry, you can get that set up right away right here:
Make sure you set up your Essential Rewards order when you sign up so you can earn money back on your Premium Starter Kit too!
Already on our team?! Just log in to your virtual office and click on the Essential Rewards tab to get your Rewards started!
Welcome to #ClubER: The YL Lifestyle!
So many of us here LOVE our oils and have found so much value in them! They’re just part of our healthy lifestyle. Tonight we’re going to be going over how YOU can #JoinTheClub to make them part of your life, too!

#2. Here’s how this works
This was a Class we did on FB! We took the content and added it here for you to check out any time you like!

#3. So what is the Young Living Lifestyle?
The BEST thing about Young Living is that it offers every single one of us help and encouragement on our health journeys. And we are ALL on a health journey, whether we know it or not. Some of us are just getting started and trying to figure out where to go next, and some of us have been working on our wellness for a while.
Wherever you fall on this scale, Young Living can support YOU!
Young Living is about wellness, purpose, and abundance in ALL areas of your life! We’re about inspiring as many people as possible to begin THEIR own health journey as well. We can do so many great things with these bodies of ours when they are functioning properly, and YOU were created for FUNCTION! YL gives us the tools we need to help our bodies do just that. It’s just up to us to use them!
For many of you, getting started with the Premium Starter Kit was a HUGE step! An AWESOME and huge step! I know it certainly was for me.
But it is just the beginning! There is so much more to YL than JUST the starter kit.

#4. So how do you take advantage of the YL Lifestyle without breaking the bank? Two words: Essential Rewards.
Let’s first talk about what Essential Rewards is!
Essential Rewards is your monthly wellness subscription box! Each month, you customize a box of wellness goodies according to what YOU want. It’s even better than those other monthly subscription boxes because it is customizable. You can now use your Premium Starter Kit (PSK) as your very first ER order!
*Who here took advantage and used their PSK as their very first ER order! What was the free gift you received from YL with your order?
*Who already has a wish list going for their next products?

#5. Now you might be asking, how is this going to SAVE me money and why the heck would I want to #JoinTheClub?
Let me break it down!
First, you receive free points. When you’re on the ER program, you’ll get points BACK on all of your rewards purchases.
Month 1-3 receive 10% back in ER points.
Month 4-24 receive 20% back in ER points.
Month 25+ receive 25% back in ER points.
% value is calculated from the PV total. 20% on a 100 PV order = $20 back in ER points.
Your ER order is a gift in and of itself. Then you get to use your rewards point to give yourself another gift, and another, and another... and aren't the best gifts the ones you pick out yourself?? :-) After you have been on ER for two consecutive months you are able to cash in your points to redeem free goodies in your third month!
Oh, and before we go on to #2, I also want to mention that you get cheaper shipping and access to FREE shipping subscriptions called YL Go and YL Go+ to help you save even more money. It is like Amazon Prime but better!
Note: YL Go and YLGo+ are only available in the US markets.
With YL Go’s introductory offer, you’ll get:
12 ER shipping credits, plus 1 bonus credit, for 13 months of hassle-free shipping; get 12 ER shipping credits each year after
Priority order processing with 2-4 day shipping
$10 flat-rate overnight shipping
Subscription costs $59 annually (Saves you 3x the amount on shipping cost!)
12 months
12 months
YL Go+
With YL Go+, you’ll get extra flexibility, including:
Shipping credits for 12 ER orders, plus 24 flex credits that can be used on Quick Order shipments during the first 12 months
Priority order processing with 2-4 day shipping
$10 flat-rate overnight shipping
Discounted standard shipping on orders once all shipping credits have been used
Subscription costs $129 annually (saves 10x the amount on shipping costs)
You may think you only need YL Go but
let me share the times I LOVE taking advantage of the extra FREE
shipping on Quick Orders with YL Go+.
With YL Go+ I get free shipping when...
I cash in my ER points every few months
I buy myself another PSK on Quick Order
I buy products during a YL sale
I buy new products right after convention
I buy myself another PSK on Quick Order
I buy products during a YL sale
I buy new products right after convention
I buy during Black Friday deals
I buy during Cyber Monday deals
I need last minute items or gifts before my next ER order is ready.
You can upgrade from YL Go to YL Go+ at any time.

#6. The SECOND reason to join ER is because YL is going to send you loyalty gifts* every 3 months for the first year then once a year thereafter.
At 3 months, you’ll be gifted a 5 ml bottle of Peppermint Vitality oil!
At 6 months, you get a free 5 ml bottle of Thieves Vitality!
At 9 months, you get the amazing 15 ml Tea Tree!!
And at 12 months, you’ll get an exclusive, 5 ml Loyalty Blend specially formulated by Gary Young!
Every year after that, you will receive a new loyalty blend created just for ER members.
Check out this awesome video that Gary Young put together about the care that goes into the first year's special loyalty blend!
*Loyalty gifts may change based on supply.

#7. The THIRD reason to be on Essential Rewards is that when you’re on ER, you have access to EXCLUSIVE kits that are only available on ER.
Let’s dive into those kits a bit because they are the BOMB and SO much product for your money.
When you’re on ER, you can get the Everyday Oils, Thieves, and NingXia Red Essential Rewards kit at an even bigger discount!!
We drink NR EVERY. DAY. So this is the best way to order it. We also can't get enough Thieves.
Save $30 with the Everyday Oils Essential Rewards kit. Kit includes:
1 - 5 ml Frankincense
1 - 5 ml Lemon Vitality™
1 - 5 ml Lavender
1 - 5 ml Melaleuca Alternifolia
1 - 5 ml Peppermint Vitality™
1 - 5 ml Joy™
1 - 5 ml Purification®
1 - 5 ml PanAway®
1 - 5 ml Thieves® Vitality™
1 - 5 ml Stress Away™
1 - 10 pack of AromaGlideTM Roller Fitments
This ER kit is only $133!
Save $38 with the Thieves Essential Rewards kit. Kit includes:
-15 ml Thieves essential oil blend
- Thieves aromabright toothpaste (Which we also use as deodorant)
-TWO bottles of Thieves household cleaner
-Thieves mouthwash
-2 bottles Thieves foaming hand soap
-2 bottles Thieves waterless hand purifier
-2 bottles Thieves spray
You can get that whole kit for $118.50! Steal of a deal!
Save $30.75 with the NingXia Red Essential Rewards kit. Kit includes:
-A 4-pack of 750 ml bottles of NingXia Red
-1 box of 2 oz NingXia Red singles packets (30 count)
All for $187.00!
These discounted kits are ONLY available when purchasing through ER.
***Tell us which kit you want to try first.

#8. Now you want to know, what’s the monthly requirement, right?
The monthly minimum requirement is 50 PV, or about $50. The majority of the consumable items are the same number of PV points as the dollar amount, but not all. Some non-consumable items like diffusers have fewer PV points, but you can still buy them on ER. The point is, pay attention to how many PV points are in your cart not the dollar total amount of your order. You need 50 PV.
Now listen, 50 PV is NOTHIN! This is $50 that you would *probably (*by probably I mean most definitely) be spending somewhere else like the grocery store or Target on things like cleaning products, vitamins, shampoo/conditioner, toothpaste, laundry detergent, and more. You have to buy those things anyway! Why not buy them from Young Living where you KNOW the products are safe and free of harmful chemicals?
We call this transfer buying. You’re transferring your dollars from the grocery store to Young Living. You're getting up to 25% back in points while buying from YL and supporting a bunch of families and their small businesses in the process! Target only gives me 5% back when I use their card. So now I use my airline miles credit card to order from YL. I personally get miles from my cc company AND points back from YL when I order.
#WINNING #FreeFlightToConvention

#9. How do I order on ER?
All you have to do to enroll in ER is to log into your virtual office and click on “Essential Rewards” on the left-hand side of your screen. From there, the website will walk you through how to enroll. You can also call Customer Service at 1-800-371-3515 and they’ll set it up for you. Your third option is to hop on the live chat through the website and do it that way!
YOU will pick your order date! So maybe you know you get paid on the 15th of every month, so you want to schedule your date for the 16th! You have the option of changing your date each month. Want to order earlier than the 16th? No problem. It’s flexible, just change your shipping date!
Then, load up your ER cart with whatever you want that month. Each month, you have until midnight of your order processing date to customize your box of wellness goodies!
**Are you getting excited to receive your customized wellness box!?

#10. What is PV assistant?
While you’re logged into your Virtual Office, get your PV assistant set up! PV assistant is basically a backup cart in the event that an item goes out of stock and your monthly ER order drops below 50 PV. If your order processes below 50 PV for the month, you will start back at month 1, earning 10% back.
You can set your PV assistant up to keep your order above whatever number you choose (at 50 PV or above).
I recommend setting your PV assistant minimum amount to at least 100 PV for a few reasons.
1) So you get your FREE gift from YL for ordering 100 PV.
2) When you commit to 100 PV you are supporting your health even more.
3) 100 PV on ER ensures you receive every single penny from bonuses and commissions when you have members underneath you ordering.
Also, YL will select the items that appear FIRST on your list. So I recommend choosing less expensive items first to list on the PV Assistant! YL has MANY items under $15!
PV Assistant will SAVE YO BOOTY if something goes out of stock at the last minute. It’s a lifesaver! Use it. Love it!
Here is a video from GROworkspace to help you set up your own PV Assistant.
**What do you set your PV assistant to?

#11. How do I redeem my points?
Rewards points can not be redeemed through an ER order. You will have to place a Quick Order to cash in your points.
When you go to check out, there will be an option to redeem your ER points! You can use your points on products that have a PV amount that is equal to the dollar value of the product (again, PV points usually equal the dollar amount, but not always).
One awesome thing is that you can split payment! You need to have enough points to cover a product but you can use points to pay for some of your products and put the rest on a credit card or use PayPal.
If you have a US account and have invested in YL Go+ you will get FREE 2-4 day shipping on these quick orders! You can upgrade your YL Go to YL Go+ at any time.
BIZ TIP: For those of you pursuing a YL business, you should not order products you use for your business with ER points. If you do that, you can not write them off as a business expense. Instead, use your ER points to order things like your monthly NingXia Red, or supplements.
New Members
**What do you want to save up points to be able to get?
Seasoned ER members
**Are you a #pointhoarder or a #pointspender? What do you buy with your points?

#12. Do I have to sign my life away?
Great question! No! You do NOT have to sign your life away to join the ER program.
In fact, you can cancel ANYTIME with NO penalty whatsoever. I don’t know about you, but I was SUPER relieved when I found this out. The last thing I wanted was to feel like I was locked into something.
If you want to (although I can’t think of a single reason you would want to) cancel, all you have to do is give Customer Service a ring or jump on the live chat and you can cancel. You’re NOT STUCK at all.
If you’re going to be ordering ANYTHING at all from YL, I recommend that you do it on ER and at least get the points! Why not? If you decide it’s not for you, feel free to cancel, but I think you’re gonna love it!
*Who is getting excited to try out ER?

#13. And IF all of that wasn’t enough, YL has one more amazing things for us every single month.
Every. Single. Month. Young Living offers us different promotions and they are always AMAZING! They usually have a theme or correspond to the season, but they ALWAYS add HUGE extra value to our order.
There are now FOUR different tiers at which you can qualify for these awesome extra promotional freebies: 100 PV, 190 PV, 250 PV and 300 PV. And as you can guess, each tier gets you even more freebies!
You can always find our freebies in our teams private group! (But you have to be a team member to see that page ;) )
You can find the monthly promotions under "member resources" in your Virtual Office.
**Which one of these freebies do you want to try?
#14. If you decide to go the 50 PV route, which is TOTALLY AWESOME, you can definitely build your wellness arsenal 50 PVs and one month at a time! Here are a few examples of what 50 PVs a month look like!
*What category are you most surprised but excited to know Young Living carries?
Baby Line
Home care
Mens care

If you don't have a Young Living Account yet, don't worry, you can get that set up right away right here:
Make sure you set up your Essential Rewards order when you sign up so you can earn money back on your Premium Starter Kit too!
Already on our team?! Just log in to your virtual office and click on the Essential Rewards tab to get your Rewards started!
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