Easy Information by Text!

 Life has gotten more and more fast paced as every year goes by. For me I've been working diligently at getting it to slow down. I want to take more time to stop and see our Big Daddy up above at work, and see His blessings that happen in our daily. The older I get, the more and more this is my focus.

However, having information easily and conveniently delivered straight to my cell phone so I don't have to hunt it down.... yeah I'll still take some of that! 💁😉

This is why I make information easy for you to obtain. If you are new to Essential Oils and/or you are still trying to figure out if this is a path you want to take, but want learn more about it, simply text me the word "Info" to 361-214-6544. I will ask you for your name, so we can chat back and forth if you choose to, and I will know who I'm talking to, and then I will automatically send you a link to a Essential Oils for Beginners educational post right to your phone! If you have more questions after that or want to chat with me further, simply text me back! 

If you know a little about Essential Oils, and want to know more, or are looking for a topic in particular, you can simply text me these key words, to get that particular information delivered straight to your phone as well!! My hope is this will make things just a little bit easier on you as you begin to learn more about how life changing and wonderful our Young Living Essential Oils are! 

💪Essential Oils Basic 101 Class {101} 
💖Essential Rewards a.k.a -Your Wellness Box {er}
💃Lucy Libido Class {lucy libido} 
💄Savvy Minerals Info {savvy} 
💎Intro into the Business Side {biz basics} 
 😎Your personal sign up link to share with friends (Oily Visions Team Members Only) {link} 
📢Victoria and Jackson County Texas Event and Class Info {events} 
🤯Weekly Tips for 1 whole year! {Tips} 
 👶Babies and Kids Classes {little ones} & also {kids} & one more at {babies}
😇 120 uses of Oils of Ancient Scripture {scripture oils} 
💡How to Clean up your Home {switch}
💊Young Living Nutrition/Supplements Basics {supplements}
 💆Stress, Sleep, and Sadness {sss}
🍷Ningxia Red {ningxia}
🍜Cooking with Essential Oils - {flavor}
👪Back to School Helpers {b2s}


So text me --> 361-214-6544

I'm always adding more content, so feel free to check back occasionally if you like.  If you aren't yet a Young Living Member but you are ready to get started, (and with the best support around might I add 😎) text me the word {join} and I will help you with this process! You can also catch me and more information I share on my media links! 


I hope I am able to connect with you more soon! 💋 



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